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Apply to our contestable funding round supporting communities recover from the impact of the 2023 weather events. Applicaitons are open until Friday 11th August, 2023 at 5pm.



I have read the eligibility guidelines on the Auckland Foundation website and confirm:
1. Food, hygiene, clothing and other essential items
2. Wrap around social support services
3. Outreach care for those experiencing homelessness
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1. Applicant Information
Name of Organisation *
Please select the following that best describes your organisation's legal status *
If Charitable, please provide the Charities Commission Registration Number
Primary Contact Person (for this application) *
Position *
Phone *
Email *
Secondary Contact Person
Website or Facebook page *
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2. Organisation Information
What does your organisation do and what are its key activities? *
Who is your organisation mostly trying to help or support? *
Where in Auckland does your organisation's work take place? (e.g. Mt Albert; West Auckland; etc) *
Number of Full Time Staff *
Number of Volunteer Staff *
Are you a kaupapa Māori organisation? If so, please attach constitution. *
If YES, please attach constitution (jpeg, png, word doc, excel, csv, or pdf. 50MB Max)
Annual accounts or audited annual accounts / Supporting documents e.g. Letters of support (jpeg, png, word doc, excel, csv, or pdf. 50MB Max)
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3. Programme Information
Programme Title *
Programme location *
Programme start date *
Programme end date *
Please describe your programme in 500 words or less *
Amount of funding requested *
Total programme budget *
Other confirmed financial sources of programme support
Other potential sources of financial programme support
What is the need for this programme, and who will benefit? *
Which other organisations or groups do you work with?
What level of community reach will your programme have in the short term (1-6 months)?? *
What level of community reach will your programme have in the medium-term (6-12 months)? *
What level of community reach will your programme have in the long-term *
Details or permissions and/or permits and/or licenses required to carry out programme
Details of any potential health or safety risks or issues and how they will be addressed
Details of any ethical considerations and how they will be addressed
What is the main overall goal of your programme? *
What purpose areas does your programme address?
Please describe how your programme directly addresses these purpose areas *
Attach supporting documents if appropriate (jpeg, png, word doc, excel, csv, or pdf. 50MB Max)
In 500 words or less, please use this space as a final appeal as to why your programme should be funded
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Please attach your programme budget
Budget * (jpeg, png, word doc, excel, csv, or pdf. 50MB Max)
4. Project Planning
What is your main objective? *
How does it directly address at least one of the focus areas? (1. Food, hygiene, clothing and other essential items. 2. Wrap around social support services. 3. Outreach care for those experiencing homelessness) *
What activities/actions/processes will you take to achieve this objective? Please list minimum two. *
What resources are needed for each activity? *
What are the expected results of each activity? *
How do the direct results contribute to objective? *
What will you use to measure impact/success? Please list minimum two indicators for measurement. *
What is your second objective?
How does it directly address at least one of the focus areas?
What activities/actions/processes will you take to achieve this objective? Please list minimum two
What resources are needed for each activity?
What are the expected results of each activity?
How do the direct results contribute to objective?
What will you use to measure impact/success? Please list minimum 2 indicators for measurement
What is your third objective?
How does it directly address at least one of the focus areas?
What activities/actions/processes will you take to achieve this objective? Please list minimum two
What resources are needed for each activity?
What are the expected results of each activity?
How do the direct results contribute to objective?
What will you use to measure impact/success?
Please list minimum 2 indicators for measurement
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Name *
Date *
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Submitting your application
Please submit your completed application form and supporting documents to Auckland Foundation no later than 5pm, Friday 11th August 2023.
All applications received will be acknowledged by email within 2 working days. If you do not receive an email, then please check that we have received your application.
It is your responsibility to make sure that your application has been received by us. We are unable to accept any late applications, or any submitted applications that do not use this form.